JCP Soundtrack Collection

Listen to Samples from the
JCP Soundtrack Collection
Life of Machines
People, Places, & Things
Rocket Science
Movie Trailer
Samples are in MP3 Format
Like sound effects and audio narration, music is a powerful medium for engaging an audience as they watch a video or move interactively through a computer-driven multimedia program. And, like effective video or multimedia editing, music signals a subtle transition between images, subjects, or elements of time.

This soundtrack collection offers the video maker or multimedia designer a rich source of instrumental music for their next production. The 41 cues contained on this one CD include:

    - Majestic, sweeping theme songs
    - Action music
    - Melodic, ethereal soundscapes
    - Pulsating rockers
    - Short, zany clips

For a single buy-out purchase, you may use and re-use the music contained on this CD for your productions, although the music may not be re-sold.

JCP Stock Music Library $30.00
Shipping (US Mail): $2.50
Total: $32.50

To purchase the JCP Stock Music Library, please contact the email address below for the shipping address. The check should be payable to Kevin Hughes for $32.50.



Copyright 2007 Kevin Hughes. All rights reserved.